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Traveling to/from Canada - Covid Travel Rules & Regulations

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

Updated February 12, 2020


Effective Date: February 22nd 2021

End Date: Unknown

The mandatory hotel quarantine for all international travels flying into Canada will come into effect on February 22nd, 2021. I'm still waiting for the Government to update their website but news outlets have already begun to report (sources below).

What We Know:

  • Travelers flying into Canada will be required to take another PCR test upon arrival (I'm unclear if this is in-addition to the PCR test requirement to get into Canada as the Government of Canada has not updated their website yet and sources are unclear on this).

  • Travelers will have to stay at a 'government approved facility' for a minimum of 3 days (at their own expense costing up to $2,000), until they receive their results

  • If travelers test positive they will be transported to another hotel

  • There are exemptions for "essential travel" but still unclear on what those are

Land Travel:

I'm hearing rumors that this will also apply to land travel but still TBD

  • New Land Travel Rules: travelers travelling by land will be required to provide a negative covid-19 PCR test (taken min. of 72 hours in advance) upon arrival

    • Effective Date: Potentially as early as February 15, 2021

Updated: January 31st, 2021

NEW International Air Requirements:

Effective Date: (Can be as early as Thursday February 4th)

The Government of Canada will be forcing mandatory HOTEL quarantine for up to 3 days for everyone arriving on international flights. All vacation destinations from Canadian Airlines will be cancelled started Sunday January 31st until April 30, 2021.

Okay everyone, here's what we know so far:

  • Canadians will have to quarantine in a government facilitated hotel for up to 3 day while they await results for their PCR test upon arrival back into Canada (may start as early as Thursday February 4th, 2021)

  • The hotel stay will be paid for out of pocket by the traveler (apparently $2,000 cost per traveler according to news outlets)

  • All vacation destination flights to the Caribbean and Mexico will be cancelled beginning Sunday January 31st until April 30, 2021.

  • All previous measures listed in my previous update is also still in effect.

Still waiting for clarification and details of this new plan and will update asap with information. According to CBC (article listed below) travelers can expect this new Hotel Quarantine Plan to begin as early as Thursday February 4th, 2021 .

Source #4:

Updated: January 7th, 2021

NEW International Air Requirements: Effective January 7th 2021, travelers (5 years and older) will be required to provide a Negative Covid-19 Test before boarding international flights back to Canada.

Updated International Travel Checklist (Canadians Returning to Canada via Air):

1. Negative Covid-19 Test

Must be taken within 72 hours of scheduled departure time. See below for requirements.

2. Mandatory 14 Day Quarantine

For all travelers, regardless if you test negative or positive and/or have the vaccine

3. Download ArriveCAN APP

  • Paper option is no longer available – I’m not sure if this if the paper format is available flying in from other countries, but when I recently traveled from he U.S. back into Canada it was no longer valid

  • You'll have to update your “status” on the ArriveCAN app daily until your 14 day quarantine is over.

4. Temperature Check

Travelers to and from Canada will have to have their temperature check

IMPORTANT (for Non-Canadians): Foreign Nationals (unless under specific “exemptions”) are still not allowed to enter Canada, based on the Canada-us. Temperature border restrictions implemented on March 21, 2020.

Accepted Covid-19 Tests (sourced from

  • PCR - Polymerase chain reaction

  • RT-PCR - reverse transcription real time PCR

  • Quantitative PCR (qPCR)

  • Nucleic acid test (NAT) or Nucleic acid amplification test (NAATs)

  • Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP)

  • Isothermal amplification

  • Droplet digital PCR or digital droplet PCR (ddPCR)

  • RNA (Ribonucleic acid)

  • Ct (cycle threshold)


  • Sequencing

  • Next generational sequencing (NGS) or whole genome sequencing (WGS)

  • Oxford Nanopore sequencing (LamPORE)

  • Detection of the N gene

  • Detection of Orf1a/b

  • Detection of the S gene

  • Detection of the E gene

  • Detection of the RdRp gene


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1 Comment

Feb 01, 2021

This is very informative. Keep these updates coming!

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